Tuesday, March 1, 2011

War on the spare room/office/craft room/chinese laundry room

This had been my "project" for a couple of weeks now.

This photo was taken at the start and to be honest it doesn't look much better now.  It seems as soon as I tidy one corner another is dismantled by my "helper".

However, there is more order.  Paperwork has been organised.  Computer cables tidied and childproofed.   The spare bed has been dismantled in preference of a sofa bed.  I am halfway through sorting through the "craft" stuff and have vowed to not buy any more fabric or materials until I have actually completed some projects with the hoard like stash I have at present.

Once tidied I hope to get sewing and get a good stockpile of creations for a market stall.  It has come to a time in the year where I need to find a little extra cash from somewhere so hopefully I can turn my collection of fabrics into sellable goodies.  My mind is flowing with ideas but I need to make sure I complete the big tidy before I get going so that I have the space to create freely without adding yet another layer of mess on the top!

1 comment:

  1. If you're looking for more inspiration for sewing projects you should grab a look at craftgossip.com and Urban Threads. Loads of cool projects to see!

    You're doing better than I am, though. I have two separate rooms for an office and a craft room. My craft room is so full of stuff I can barely make it to my workspace and my office is organised (if only loosely) chaos. And I don't even have a "helper" any more to help me disorganise it! :D
